Consuming Selected Theme

BlueBase exports a ThemeConsumer component to utilise current theme. This is a render prop component, which means it takes a function as a child. The function gets an object in the param with the following interface:

interface ThemeContextData {

	// Helper method to change current theme.
	changeTheme: (slug: string) => void,

	// Current theme
	theme: Theme


The following snippet illustrates how to use a ThemeConsumerΒ component.

const ThemedComponent = () => (
        ({ theme, changeTheme }: ThemeContextData) => {
            // Use theme context here..

Example: ThemePicker

The following example shows how to use ThemeConsumer component to create a theme picker. This renders a picker component with a list of all installed themes. It not only uses the current theme to style itself, but also utilises the changeThemeΒ method to switch themes.

import { BlueBase, BlueBaseContext, ThemeConsumer, ThemeContextData } from '@bluebase/core';
import { Picker } from 'react-native';
import React from 'react';

export class ThemePicker extends React.PureComponent {

	static contextType = BlueBaseContext;

	render() {
		const BB: BlueBase = (this as any).context;
		const themes = [...BB.Themes.entries()];
		return (
			<ThemeConsumer children={({ theme, changeTheme }: ThemeContextData) => (
				<BB.Components.View style={{ backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default }}>
					<BB.Components.Text>Select Theme</BB.Components.Text>
						style={{ width: 150 }}
						{ => <Picker.Item label={entry[1].name} value={entry[0]} key={entry[0]} />)}
			)} />

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