Customise Components

Theming in BlueBase provides an elaborate mechanism to customise component styles. Following is a list of options to do this in a sequence of lowest to highest priority.

Component styles in all of the following methods can be thunks as well.

Through defaultStlyes static prop

In BlueBase it is possible to provide a defaultStyles static property to a component. This is very similar to the defaultProps concept of React.

import React from 'react';
import { Card } from '@bluebase/components';

export class ThemedCard extends React.Component {

    static defaultStyles = {
        'root': {
            backgroundColor: 'blue'
        'hover': {
            backgroundColor: 'green'
    render() {
        const { styles, isHovering } = this.props;
        return (<Card style={isHovering ? styles.hover : styles.root} />);


In terms of priority, this method has the least priority, and these styles may be overwritten by any of the following methods.

Use When

Use this method to define the default styles of the component. These will represent a state of the component without any customisation.

Through Component Registry

It is also possible to save styles of a component in the ComponentRegistry.

When registering a new component

class MaterialUIPlugin extends Plugin {

    public components = {
        ThemedCard: {
            rawComponent: ThemedCardComponent,
            styles: {
                root: {
                    backgroundColor: 'orange'

Overriding styles of an existing component.

BB.Components.setStyles('ThemedCard', {
    root: {
        backgroundColor: 'orange'


In terms of priority, these styles override defaultStyles but they can be overwritten by following methods.

Use When

Us this method when you want to define global styles of a component, but you also want other plugins to able to customise them.

Through theme

export const theme = {
    // ...other theme props
    components: {
        ThemedCard: {
            root: {
                backgroundColor: 'yellow'

Through styles prop

const Foo = () => (
    <ThemedCard styles={{
        root: {
            backgroundColor: 'red'
    }} />

Component Styles Structure

In BlueBase, ComponentStyles have the following structure:

interface ComponentStyles {
	// rule
	[key: string]: ViewStyle | TextStyle | ImageStyle | { [prop: string]: string };

This is very similar to React Native's StyleSheet.create API.


const styles = {
  root: {
    borderRadius: 4,
    borderWidth: 0.5,
    borderColor: '#d6d7da',
  title: {
    fontSize: 19,
    fontWeight: 'bold',
  activeTitle: {
    color: 'red',


Describe best practices: root, hover, etc.

Last updated