
Some times apps may need to have custom configurations for different projects. For example, a Hello World app may have the option to have a customizable hello message.


App configurations can be added to the config object int bluerain.js file. Continueing on our "Hello World" app example, this is what it's custom configurations will look like:

// bluerain.js
    // ...
    config: {
        apps: {
            'hello-world': {
                'helloMessage': 'Hi World!'
    // ...

To find out what configurations an app needs, please refer to the app documentation.

Accessing configurations inside App

The app specific configurations are passed to the initialize method of the app class at system boot time.

import { App } from 'bluerain-os';

class HelloWorldApp extends App {

    static appName = 'Hello World';
    static slug = 'hello-world';

    static initialize(config, ctx) {

Accessing App Configs via Context

App configs can also be accessed anywhere in the project through BlueRain context:

import { withBlueRain } from 'bluerain-os';

const SomeComponent = (props) => {

    const BR = props.bluerain;
    const Text = BR.Components.get('Text');
    const config = BR.Configs.get('apps.hello-world');

    return <Text>{config.helloMessage}</Text>

export default withBlueRain(SomeComponent);

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