Creating a Plugin

All plugins in BlueRain OS extend the Plugin Class.

Let's create a simple plugin that registers a new route /hello-world. When this route is called, HelloWorldComponent component should be rendered.

import { Plugin } from 'bluerain-os';
import HelloWorldComponent from './HelloWorldComponent';

class HelloWorldPlugin extends Plugin {

    static pluginName = HelloWorldPlugin;
    static slug = 'hello-world';
    const hooks = {
        'bluerain.routes':(routes, ctx) => {
                path: '/hello-world',
                component: HelloWorldComponent
    const uses = {

    initialize(config, ctx) {

export default HelloWorldPlugin;

Notice that we also defined pluginName and slug static properties.

  • pluginName defines the name of the plugin. This is a required property and not providing one will throw error when you register the plugin.

  • slug property defines the slug for your plugin. If you don't give one, then BlueRain will automatically create a slug by kebab casing the pluginName property. It's a good convention manually define the slug. This slug is used to get an app from the PluginRegistry.

  • hooks defines the hooks plugin would add when added to the system.

  • uses defines the hooks plugin is running .

You can define even more Plugin properties. For a complete list, please refer to the API Reference.

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