Creating an App

Each app in BlueRain is essentially a React Compoent, that renders during system lifecycle.

Let's learn by building a Hello World app.

To create an app, we need to create a React Component and extend it from BlueRain's App component.

Now let's create the main app component:

import React from 'react';
import { App } from 'bluerain-os';

class HelloWorldApp extends App {

    static appName = HelloWorldApp;
    static slug = 'hello-world';

    render() {
        const { appName } = this.constructor;
        return (
              <h1>Hello World!</h1>
              <p>This is BlueRain's {appName} app!</p>

Notice that we also defined appName and slug static properties.

  • appName defines the name of the app. This is a required property and not providing one will throw error when you register the app.

  • slug property defines the url slug for your app. In this case the app's url will be /app/hello-world. If you don't give one, then BlueRain will automatically create a slug by kebab casing the appName property. It's a good convention manually define the slug.

You can define even more App properties. For a complete list, please refer to the API Reference.

Extending React's Component

It is also possible to extend the default React Component. You may do this if you don't wish to use extra helper methods that come in the App class.

So the same app can be created as:

import React from 'react';

class HelloWorldApp extends React.Component {

    static appName = HelloWorldApp;
    static slug = 'hello-world';

    render() {
        const { appName } = this.constructor;
        return (
              <h1>Hello World!</h1>
              <p>This is BlueRain's {appName} app!</p>

As a Stateless Functional Component

Since each app is just a React Component, it is also possible to create an app as a stateless functional component.

const HelloWorldApp = () => <div>Hello World!</div>;

HelloWorldApp.appName = 'Hello World';
HelloWorldApp.slug = 'hello-world';


Since BlueRain uses React Router 4, each app can add it's own routes.

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